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Name of the study

Multicentre, randomised controlled trial comparing TRansanal minimal InvAsive Surgery (TAMIS) and endoscopic Submucosal dIsseCtion (ESD) for resection of non-pedunculated rectal lesions

Researchers and contact information

Principal Investigators:

Prof.dr. J.C.H. Hardwick (LUMC)

Dr. P.G. Doornebosch (IJsselland)

Dr. E.J.R. de Graaf (IJsselland)


Trial coordinator:

Nik Dekkers, arts-onderzoeker

Afdeling Maag-Darm-Leverziekten

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC)

+31 71 5264361 |


Summary study

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most prevalent cancer in the Netherlands, with 15,000 new cases per year and 5000 colorectal cancer related deaths. The Dutch National Colorectal Cancer screening program began in 2014 and is expected to save 1400 lives per year in the short term through early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In the longer term it is expected to save an additional 1000 lives per year through the prevention of cancer by removing advanced polyps. In the last few years two new highly promising innovative approaches have become available for minimally invasive en bloc resection of large nonpedunculated rectal lesions. One is a new surgical technique called transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) and the other is a new endoscopic technique called endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Although both techniques are standard of care in the Netherlands, a direct randomised comparison between TAMIS and ESD is lacking. Therefore, the choice for either of both therapies remains operator-dependent instead of evidence-based.


Arm A: Transanal minimal invasive surgery (TAMIS) 

Arm B: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)

Participating centers:

  • LUMC
  • IJsselland Ziekenhuis
  • Alrijne Ziekenhuis
  • Deventer Ziekenhuis
  • Erasmus MC
  • AMC locatie VUmc
  • AMC locatie AMC
  • St. Antonius


  • HMC Westeinde
  • UMCU
  • Diakonessen Utrecht
  • Meander MC
  • Bravis


